“It’s Not a Diet, It’s a Lifestyle and Mindset Change”
Weight loss
I wonder which of these apply to you?
Having recurring negative thoughts about your body and your weight
Starting and stopping dieting and exercising programs
Obsessing over what you ate the day before
Counting calories
Feeling guilty about food
Compare your body to others
Eat when not hungry
Struggle to stop eating when not hungry any more
Eat when stressed, bored, lonely
Use food as a reward or comfort
Often find yourself open the fridge or cupboard door without knowing why
Become a Slimmer and Healthier You with Weight Loss Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis probably isn’t the first option you’d think of when it comes to managing your weight. But unlike many of the fad diets and slimming programs out there, Hypnosis can help you lose more weight and keep it off. Imagine reaching your goal weight and staying there forever. What clothes would you wear? How confident and positive would you feel about your body? Perhaps you would have more energy, better overall health and feel that you have conquered your weight loss issues once and for all.
Why is Weight Loss so Hard?
Have you ever lost your keys or your wallet? It’s not a pleasant feeling. When you lose something, your mind will instinctively try to find it or get it back. Your mind goes looking for it.
Your subconscious mind doesn’t understand losing things. To help you understand this more, think of a pink elephant right now. Got it? Okay, now don’t think of a pink elephant. Can you do it? Probably not. Your unconscious mind has to think and imagine the pink elephant first in order to not think about it.
So when the subconscious mind equates weight loss with losing something, it will do whatever it can to compensate for the loss. This is often done by thinking more about the loss (e.g. food!) and generating cravings for the foods you shouldn’t eat. So a key mindset shift is to stop thinking about losing weight and think more about becoming slimmer. Weight loss hypnotherapy will help you do this instinctively and naturally by influencing your subconscious mind.
Physiologically, becoming slimmer is simple maths. Eat less and exercise more. That’s it! So if you’re struggling or unable to control your weight, the reasons are likely to be psychological, emotional and habitual. This is where weight loss hypnotherapy comes into its own.
The weight loss industry thrives on quick and easy fixes, because that sells! We all want the quick fix. You hear about short-term success stories, but what happens to these people in the long term? The weight returns. Why? Because these quick fixes do not address the psychological reasons behind your food choices and the amount you eat.
Why Diets Don’t Work
I completely understand and empathize with the frustration and failure that comes from trying another diet. You put in all the work and as soon as you stop or relax, the weight comes back.
I’m sure you’ve heard stories of people that won the lottery, and within a year were back where they started. That’s because their mindset and underlying subconscious beliefs did not change. The same goes with diets. You can lose weight by dieting for a few weeks or months, but unless you also change the psychological mindset, the weight will return. This psychological shift is very broad. It includes changing your beliefs and how you use your imagination (both of which are largely unconscious). It also involves increasing your self-worth and self-esteem. When you feel better about yourself, you naturally make the right food choices. In my weight loss hypnotherapy sessions, I’ll ensure that we address all these important areas.
As you become slimmer by restricting the types and amount of food, your subconscious mind may experience the feeling of loss that I mentioned earlier. You can hide or repress this feeling for a while, but not forever. Also, it often becomes more intense as you get closer to your goal weight.
When you make the psychological changes using hypnosis, we release these feelings. Then your mindset changes and it becomes much easier to keep the weight off.
Another reason diets don’t work is that they are too restrictive to do long-term. If you’re considering a diet right now, ask yourself, “could I do this for 1, 2 or even 5 years?” If the answer is “no”, then there is a better way.
Your Subconscious Beliefs About Food
Many of your subconscious beliefs about food were cemented in place by the age of 8. Perhaps your parents told you to eat everything on your plate? Or you were told not to waste food. These ideas can form subconscious beliefs that develop into feelings. The whole idea of leaving food on your plate is so different that it feels uncomfortable.
You might unconsciously believe that when you become slimmer, you will get more attention from the opposite sex. If that seems scary, then you can see how this belief might sabotage your weight loss goals.
There are many subconscious beliefs that hold people back from achieving the weight they desire. A good hypnotherapist will help you identify and change these.
How Does Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Work?
A primary goal of weight loss hypnotherapy is to allow your subconscious mind to help you create new healthy habits that feel good. These then replace the old negative habits and become your new automatic response. Another goal is to help you move away from dieting, restrictive eating and cycles of weight loss and gain. Instead, I will help you connect to your inner guidance system that naturally knows how to keep you healthy and at the correct weight. In order to create a sustainable inner guidance system and new healthy habits we will together examine your feelings and behaviours in order to find the root cause of your weight loss issue.
Weight loss hypnotherapy is extremely effective because it helps to reframe or reprogram feelings and behaviours that have sabotaged your weight loss efforts in the past. These feelings and behaviours might be related to various issues like self-confidence, self-esteem, motivation, dealing with stress, depression, anxiety, your personal reward habits just to name a few. Once those are understood and dealt with your way to feel good in your own body will be clear. This can be a challenging and emotional step for some people but is very powerful.
Clear Mental Picture of What You Want
Olympic athletes have a clear, vivid, and detailed mental picture in their mind of winning! They imagine and focus on what they want. Many people that struggle with weight loss focus on what they don’t want. They think and say things like “I don’t want to be overweight” or they focus on the parts of their body that they don’t like. With weight loss hypnotherapy, I’ll help you change that. You can even start this by yourself! Right now, begin to get this image in your mind of being a slimmer you. What would the scales show? What clothes would you be wearing? How would you look on the beach? Notice other people congratulating you and asking how you did it. You get the picture (no pun intended!).
The reason this step is so important is because your imagination cannot tell the difference between a real event and one that you vividly imagine. When you create a detailed image in your mind of becoming slimmer, your brain will start to believe that this is already true. When we work together, I’ll help you develop this mental picture into a powerful vision that is inspiring and motivating, so you naturally do the right things to become slimmer.
Change Your Thinking
A key component is changing the inner commentary that’s in your head and is often negative and self-sabotaging. It says things like, “Why is it so difficult or impossible for me to lose weight?” Using weight loss hypnotherapy, you can change this to something like “I can and will become slimmer by eating sensibly, exercising regularly and feeling good about doing it”. Can you see how changing this inner commentary could make a tremendous difference? It’s the mind rather than the body that makes you want to eat, so changing how your mind thinks about food is an important change that we can cement in place with hypnotherapy.
Subconscious Parts
You know that there is a part of you that wants to become slimmer, otherwise you wouldn’t be looking for help. However, you may also have a lazy part, a part adores chocolate, a part that fear getting more attention once you become slimmer, a part that fear rejection or criticism from other members of family because the new slimmer you may stir up some uncomfortable feelings in them, or simply a part that always prioritises other activities above weight loss. These subconscious parts can cause inner conflicts that pull you in different directions. Hypnotherapy is very effective at identifying and resolving these.
Increase Motivation to Exercise
When you exercise, you almost always feel physically, mentally, and emotionally better afterwards. It feels good. However, there is often a subconscious resistance to exercise that we can deal with, using my weight loss hypnotherapy process. I can also help you create that after exercise feeling before you do it. This will make it much easier to find the motivation to exercise. If you don’t have time for exercise because life is too busy, then hypnotherapy can help you create the time by making slight changes in other areas of your life, so that the time becomes available.
How Will Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Help You?
My hypnotherapy for weight loss sessions will help you to:
Break the connection between food and emotions, so you only eat when you’re hungry.
Change your focus from obsessing about being overweight to thinking and acting towards better health and fitness.
Increase self-confidence about your body
Develop a positive relationship with food.
Remove any negative emotions about food, especially guilt.
Feel better and more confident about your body image.
Change negative thoughts about food into positive, empowering thoughts.
Change your focus from being overweight to becoming slimmer.
Break mental barriers that prevent you from exercising regularly.
Develop the motivation to eat well, so that this outweighs any urges to overeat.
Remove any conflicting ideas or beliefs that are sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Why Work with Me?
When you work with me, I will take you through a step-by-step process that is flexible and very effective. As we go through these steps together, you will:
Identify the habits, triggers and subconscious patterns that have made it hard for you to lose weight until now.
Create a compelling image in your mind of the new slimmer you! I’ll help you make this crystal clear, so you are subconsciously drawn towards this new you.
Change the negative programs in your mind. This includes negative self-talk that makes you feel bad, and destructive patterns of thinking.
Reprogram your mind to eat less food.
Prevent snacking between meals and other mindless eating.
Help your mind to deeply grasp the consequences of poor food choices, so you stay focussed and on track.
Reduce stress and anxiety and other negative emotions. It’s often these that sabotage your progress.
From my experience of working with weight loss clients, I have found that the following elements increase the chances of a successful outcome.
Honesty. This is taking a good look at yourself. It’s mentally accepting that change is required and that this will involve you taking some action. Being truthful, honest and self-aware is fundamental to achieving an impressive body.
Responsibility. This is knowing that change is within your control. It’s about owning the change and not blaming others. It’s being aware of your actions and reactions and deciding to make a better choice.
Belief. It’s believing that you can change and expecting positive results. If you lack self-belief, then I will help you increase this first. You’ll then be much more likely to take positive action between sessions to become slimmer. This then becomes a habit that you do naturally after you’ve completed your weight-loss hypnotherapy sessions.
I’ve seen other specialists, is Hypnotherapy really any different?
Doctors, Dietitians, Nutritionists and Personal Trainers can help you become slimmer. They will provide valuable information, so you make better food and exercise choices. They also hold you accountable. However, when you stop seeing them, you often go backwards. It seems like becoming slimmer is not possible without their continual help, and that can become expensive. Why is this? Well, many of your associations with food were learnt in childhood and therefore the resulting behaviours and emotional triggers become deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind. This makes it hard for conscious changes to stick. Weight-loss hypnotherapy helps you remove and release these subconscious emotional triggers (and the beliefs behind these), so you naturally make better food and exercise choices. These then become habits that stick, even after your hypnotherapy treatment finishes.